Who You Are

We have no idea who you are.

But, if you’re like us, you’re a seeker. Perhaps even a wanderer.

It’s likely you’ve heard some of these names and phrases:

Thomas Merton
Saint Bernard Of Clairvaux
Lectio Divina
Centering Prayer
Thomas Keating
Carl McColman
Cynthia Bourgeault
Richard Rohr
Dallas Willard
Richard J. Foster

Maybe you’ve read some of those authors, or have explored some of those topics.

And now you’re wondering…

“What’s next?” or “Where can I go to be with others of like mind?”

If that’s the case, we’d love to meet you.

So here’s the deal: We’d like to invite you to join us for a conversation. There’s no pressure. If you don’t dig it, no hard feelings. It won’t cost you anything but time. And we’ll have benefited from your presence, either way.

The NSL group (we sometimes truncate Novices in the School of Love to NSL) meets the fourth Wednesday of every month from 7pm to 8:30pm, give or take.

For more information, please visit Where We Meet or Contact Us.