Because of continued restrictions regarding meeting in person, we’ve decided to take our group online for the time being.
So, we will meet via Zoom at 7pm Wednesday, May 27, at 7pm.
NOTE: Zoom is a free online meeting application like Skype only more robust. You may obtain it here. Simply download it, set it up, and wait.
To join our Novices meeting, send Bill an e-mail and ask to receive a meeting invitation via e-mail. He will send meeting invitations at 6:30 on the 26th to be sure everyone has one in time for the 7pm meeting.
For the past few months, we’ve been reading through and discussing two books: Charles Cummings’ insightful, informative book Monastic Practices, and Joan Chittister’s excellent commentary on The Rule of Benedict. If you don’t have the books, they are available as Kindle editions (see links below) so you could obtain them now and be ready to discuss them by next Wednesday.
In Cummings’ book, we may or may not discuss these chapters:
4. Customs
5. Monastic Courtesy
6. Silence
In Chitter’s book, we may or may not discuss these chapters:
52. The Oratory of the Monastery
53. The Reception of Guests
54. Letters or Gifts
55. Clothing and Footwear
I use the phrase “may or may not” because if our discussion of one or two chapters gets rocking along, and we lose track of time, well…we consider that time well spent. Our group is about the methodical, presumably laid-back life of a contemplative – not the fast-paced, rip-roaring life of a big-city executive. So we try to take our time when we go through these books.
Where to obtain the books:
Charles Cummings – Monastic Practices
Available on Amazon.
Joan Chittister – The Rule of Benedict
Available on Amazon.
Hope to see you Wednesday night, May 27th, at 7pm…on Zoom!