Next Meeting: August 26th

NOTE: We will continue to meet via Zoom until we are allowed to meet otherwise. So, to join us, please send us an e-mail. We’ll put you on our e-mail list to receive the Zoom invitation to our Wednesday, August 26th meeting.

For our August 26th meeting we will discuss chapters from these books:

Joan Chittister: The Rule of Benedict.

Chapters 63-66.

Charles Cummings: Monastic Practices.

Chapters 9-11.

In addition, we have begun to ponder which of the classic contemplatives/mystics we will read next. The short list includes these people:

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
St. Julian of Norwich  
William of St-Theirry  
Aelred of Rievaulx 
Isaac of Stella 
Madam Guyon 

We’d be honored if you joined us!

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